Sunday, March 11, 2012

Overview of the key steps in mapping HR processes

Overview of the key steps in mapping HR processes, summarising key actions and outputs.
  1. Define the Target Process
  • Define key HR activities as processes
  • Prioritise key processes
  • Break processes into manageable chunks
  • Identify and document key process variations
  • Involve subject matter experts
Brainstorming, customer focus groups
Prioritise reengineering efforts
  1. Develop 'As Is' Models
  • Conduct workflow analysis (who does what when, where, how) and identify handoffs
  • Audit existing constraints in systems (e.g., compatibility, integrity, and consistency of data)
  • Determine problems in current process from customer's and administrator's perspectives
  • Identify key measurement related to process (e.g., cost, quality, time, rework, etc)
Workflow analysis, activity analysis, systems audit, focus groups, interviews
Flow map of existing processes and their performance in terms of cost and quality
  1. Challenge underlying assumptions
  • Challenge each activity in the current process (why is it done, why is it done there, why is it done then, why does that person do it, why is it done this way etc)
  • Challenge current policies, practices and philosophy
  • Explore alternative delivery methods
  • Cut across functional silos
  • Incorporate and leverage information technology
Visioning, scenario building, brainstorming, critical thinking
Identify opportunities for radical improvement
  1. Develop 'To be' Models — Identifying where and how technology will impact the process
  • Solicit information from broad base about alternatives
  • Benchmark other companies
  • Integrate separate processes
  • Take detailed design of new information systems
  • Draft new process flow
  • Assess potential impact of new process (cost/benefit, risk etc)
Benchmarking, conflict resolution, issues resolution, simulation, consensus building
Design new processes, select best information technology to support process, determine impact of new processes
  1. Implement, Roll out, Market
  • Implement incremental approach
  • Conduct pilot testing
  • Implement systems integration
  • Market the programme, create curiosity, implement trial use
  • Offer training to support users
  • Manage resistance
  • Anticipate and address morale problems
Marketing, communication, training, coaching, experimentation
Facilitate the smooth migration to new system and user's acceptance of the new processes
  1. Measure BusinessImpact
  • Capture business impact of HR processes before and after reengineering
  • Measure business impact, not just budget and milestones in programmes and activities
  • Separate short- from long-term impact
Activity analysis, cost analysis, customer service survey, focus groups
Monitor progress and impact

Figure 1: Source— based on recognised models from a variety of consulting firms. 

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